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Graphic Parameter File


A graphic parameter file contains all the parameters needed by GRANNOT to extract a data set from a grid file and generate an annotation file from it. It includes information on grid distance, variable to access, type of representation, colors, hatch widths, title, legend, etc.

Each record of a parameter file starts with a two letter keyword indicating the type of record. Depending of the type of record, the keyword is followed by one or more type specific parameter values and optional comments. The parameter values are separated by blanks. Texts, such as title and legend strings, are surrounded by single quotes.

Records which start with the character # are considered as comments. They may appear anywhere in the file.

The following tables list the various record types and the associated parameters. The first table shows the record types which are applicable to all types of representation:

GD1,2realHorizontal, vertical grid distances
GC1intColor index used for grid contour
CG10/1Indicator flag for drawing complete grid
DN1stringName or position of grid file variable to be accessed
RP1intType of representation: 0=classes, 1=numeric values, 2=proportional hatching

If a representation by classes is chosen, the following record types are used to define the intervals and the legend type and layout:

LG1intType of legend: 0=none, 1=standard, 2=customized
LB1,2realWidth, height of legend boxes
LK1,2realX-, Y-coordinate of lower left corner of first legend box
TD1,2realRelative X-, Y-offsets for legend text
TS1realSize of legend text
LD1,2realRelative X-, Y-offsets for next legend box
LT1textLegend title (surrounded by single quotes)
TI1realSize of legend title
TK1,2realX-, Y-offsets for legend title from lower left corner of first legend box
NC1intNumber of interval classes
LC1intClass number to be defined in this record
2,3realLower, upper threshold defining the value interval for this class. The interval is defined including the lower, but excluding the upper threshold value.
4intColor used for hatching grid cells belonging to this class
5,6realHorizontal, vertical hatching distance for this class (0 indicating no hatching in this direction)
7textLegend text for this class surrounded by single quotes

For representation by display of numerical values within the grid boxes the following parameter records are used:

PC1intColor used to display the numeric values
NS1realText size used to display the numeric values (default 1/8 of grid distance)
DT1intMinimum field width used for numeric value (default 5)
DF1intNumber of digits after the decimal point (default 0)
DG1,2realX-, Y-offset for numeric value from lower left corner of grid box (default 10% of horizontal, vertical grid distance)

Finally, if the grid variable is displayed using proportional hatching, the following parameter records are used:

PC1intColor used for proportional hatching
SC1realScale factor, the number of hatch lines for a grid cell is obtained by dividing the corresponding attribute value by this scale factor.

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Heinz Spiess, EMME/2 Support Center
Sun Mar 3 22:21:06 MET 1996