Previous: Calling the SEnC Program
Next: Variables
In order to provide possibilities for even more powerful Enif
scripting, SEnC also supports its own set of client commands,
i.e. commands which are not sent to the Enif server, but which are
processed locally by the SEnC program.
Client commands are easily recognizable since they all start with an
exclamation mark. If such a line is detected in the input stream,
instead of being sent to the Enif server, it passed to a SEnC's local
command parser.
The current version of SEnC supports the following client commands:
- !include filename
This command causes SEnC to open the specified file and process
the commands it contains before continuing with the next command.
The !include command can be used to read in header files
containing required function libraries (as an alternative to
specifying the required header files directly in the command line).
Also, the !include command is convenient in interactive
mode for telling SEnC to process an input file.
- !print anytext
This command prints the given text to the standard output, after having
passed it through SEnC's variable substitution (if any), but without passing
it on to the Enif server. Thus, if the text does not contain any Enif
parameter substitutions %<...>%,
the print command produces the
same output as a corresponding echo server command, but is much
more efficient, since it is handled locally.
- !wait seconds
Pauses for the specified number of seconds (which can be specified with
decimals if small delays are required) before the next command is
processed. This command may be useful for automated demonstrations
in which each image should stay on the screen for some specific amount
of time.
- !prompt message
Prompt the user with the specified messages and wait for the user to
enter an answer. The typed in answer will be written to the special
variable ANSWER which can be accessed via variable substitution
by putting the string ``{ANSWER}'' as a place holder.
This command may be useful in situations where
the user should be given time to take some action (e.g. interacting
directly with Enif) before the processing of the commands should be
- !exit status
Terminate SEnC immediately, without processing the remaining commands.
If an integer value is specified as argument, it is used passed to
the operating system as exit status code.
- !new variable = value
Create a new variable or, if the variable already exists, create a new
instance of this variable and set it to the specified value.
- !set variable = value
Set the topmost instance of the specified variable to the given value.
If the variable does not yet exists, create it.
- !delete variable [variable ...]
Delete the topmost instance of the specified variables.
- !replace variable regexp [newstring]
In the specified variable all occurrences of the regular
expression regexp are placed by the string newstring.
If newstring is not specified, a single blank is used by default.
- !begin
- ...
- commands
- ...
- !end
Command enclosed between a !begin and an !end command
constitute a command block which can be used instead of a
single command in composed commands that are described below.
- !function fctname [argname ...]
The !function client command defines the function with the
given function name to consist of the line or the following block
of lines that is included between !begin and !end
Optional function arguments can be defined after the function name.
Any occurrence of one of the
function arguments enclosed in braces, {argname},
will be replaced by the corresponding argument value with which the
function is called via the !call client command.
Note that !function commands are not allowed within
function definitions.
- !call fctname [argvalue ...]
Call the function fctname using the argument values which
are specified after the function name to substitute the function
- !return
The !return command can be used in function definitions
to return from the function before having reached the end of the
function. Note that before returning from the function, it is up to
the programmer to delete any private instance of variables which have
been created with !new client commands within the function
- !if value
- !if val1 compop val2
The !if command cause the execution of following command or
command block to be conditional to the specified test.
If the first form is used, i.e.
if only one value is specified, the condition is only met when the specified
value is either a non-zero numerical value or the string ``yes''.
If the second form is used, the two values val1 and val2
are compared using the comparison operator compop, as shown in
the following table:
String comparisons: |
== |
equal |
!= |
not equal |
Numeric comparisons: |
= |
equal |
<> |
not equal |
> |
larger than |
< |
less than |
>= |
larger or equal |
<= |
less or equal |
Note that the comparison operator must always be separated by at least
one blank from values which are compared, i.e. the command
``!if {X} > 1'' will work as expected, whereas the
command ``!if {X}>1'' will not!
- !iferror
This command is similar to the !if command described above.
But instead of testing the given argument values, its condition is
the acknowledgment received in response to the last server command.
If the preceding server command was successful (OK reply),
the following command or command block is skipped, whereas if it
returned with an error (KO reply), the following command or
command block is executed.
- !else
The !else command can optionally follow just after the
conditional command or command block of any !if
or !iferror command. Only if the condition of the preceding
if-command was not satisfied, the command or command block following
the !else command will be executed. The following example
illustrates the implementation of an if-then-else test:
!if 0 <= {OFFSET}
!print positive offset -> shifting to the right
!call rightshift 0 {OFFSET}
!print negative offset -> shifting to the left
!call leftshift {OFFSET} 0
- !for variable startval endval [increment]
The !for command implements a for loop by iterating the loop
variable specified as the first argument from a start value
up to and not exceeding a end value using, if specified, the given
increment or else the value 1.
The command or command block immediately following the !for
command is executed for each of the values assigned to the loop variable.
E.g. the sequence
!for scenario 1000 5000 1000
!call generateStandardPlots {scenario}
will call the function generateStandardPlots for each of
the loop value, i.e. it is equivalent to the following commands:
!call generateStandardPlots 1000
!call generateStandardPlots 2000
!call generateStandardPlots 3000
!call generateStandardPlots 4000
!call generateStandardPlots 5000
The specified specified start, end and increment values can contain
decimals. If the increment value is zero or has a different sign
than the difference between end and start value, the command or command
block following the !for command is not executed at all.
- !foreach variable val1 val2 val3 ...
The !foreach command command executes the following command or
command block once for each of the values valX as arguments.
For each given value,
the specified variable is first set to this value and then the line
following the !foreach is executed.
E.g. the sequence
!foreach scenario 2000 2001 2002 3001 1000
!call generateStandardPlots {scenario}
will call the function generateStandardPlots for each of
the loop value, i.e. it is equivalent to the following commands:
!call generateStandardPlots 2000
!call generateStandardPlots 2001
!call generateStandardPlots 2002
!call generateStandardPlots 3001
!call generateStandardPlots 1000
- !while value
- !while val1 compop val2
The syntax of the !while client command corresponds to
the !if client command. The command or command block following
immediately the !while command will be executed for as long as the
specified condition is true.
In addition to the client commands which are described above,
SEnC also recognizes any input line which starts with # as a
comment line and does not process it any further.
Previous: Calling the SEnC Program
Next: Variables
SEnC - A Sequential Enif Client, Heinz Spiess, May 2003