This distribution format of the DSI-32 version of EMME/2 has been streamlined. Instead of the 5 to 10 Megabyte disk space that was required previously, the new distribution needs only 2.5 Megabyte. The time used to load a module from disk has been reduced substantially (no more unsqueezing required). All this was made possible by the efficient use of the 32032's high level module linking technique, which allowed us to isolate all EMME/2 library routines into a separate executable module, that is combined only at run time with the current EMME/2 module.
All new and existing DSI-32 installations will be or have been provided with a complimentary copy of the graphic device driver PLOTDEV (by MicroPlot Systems, Columbus, Ohio). This installable device driver emulates a Tektronix 4010 monochrome or 4027 color terminal on any kind of PC graphic adapter (CGA, Hercules, EGA, PGA). While the resolution of most PC monitors must be rated insufficient for use as a terminal replacement, this software does provide the basic graphic capabilities which are adequate for very simple network plots and previewing more complex plots sent to the plot file. Higher resolution graphic adapters, that have a resolution of 640 by 480 pixels or more, such as the IBM PGA, Vega Deluxe, Quadram ProSync or Tseng EVA/480 connected to a NEC MultiSync color monitor, are also supported and constitute very cost effective color terminal replacements.