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Preferences and Initialization File

Configuration settings which pertain to running the Enif program as such (i.e. not related to the configuration of plots or lists) are handled by a configurable object we refer to as the preferences. The preferences consist of a set of parameters which are divided into the following groups:

All system defined parameters are organized in a single parameter list. Separate parameter lists are used to contain each of the following types of user defined parameters: predefined views, registered plot configurations, registered list configurations and user defined styli. This allows each parameter type to have its own name space, so that no conflict occurs if e.g. a predefined view uses the same name as a registered list.

The values of all preference parameters can be saved to an initialization file, so that they can be used as starting values for subsequent Enif sessions. By default the initialization file enif.ini is used, but it is also possible to specify an alternate initialization file on the Enif command line using the -i option.

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Enif - Toward a New Interface for EMME/2, Heinz Spiess, October 2000