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After having looked at Enif's graphic capabilities to produce network plots and diagrams, it should not be forgotten that often text-only type output is just as important for doing the day-to-day work in transportation planning.

This aspect is covered in Enif's concept of network lists. A network list is a user configurable object which displays textual and numerical information in tabular form for a set of network elements. Its implementation relies on the same basic concepts that were already discussed earlier: attributes, expressions, selectors, parameters and stylus. Using the ``Enif terminology'' which we have introduced in the previous sections, a network list can be described as an object consisting of the following components:

The contents of a list can be sent to a printer or punched to a file. Network elements can be marked on the list and the marked elements can be temporarily hidden or copied to the clipboard for pasting into other applications.

Figure 27 shows an example of a screen shot of a list containing assignment results for the segments of a particular transit line. Note the use of the stylus to produce a ``zebra'' list background and to highlight the volumes of overcrowded segments.

Figure 27: Example of a list as it appears on screen
\includegraphics[width=\textwidth, keepaspectratio]{}

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Enif - Toward a New Interface for EMME/2, Heinz Spiess, October 2000